- Creating Fine Digital Experiences for the Employees

It is a digital platform for the workforce of an Enterprise, enabling ecological transformation through smart delivery of Experience and Synergy.

Wisdom Modernization

Enterprise Wisdom Management is the evolution from traditional Knowledge Management / Knowledge Exchange and is a strategic asset extracted from workforce experience - a mix of explicit and tacit knowledge. The Wisdom Modernization offering addresses this space with guidance on strategy, governance as well as cutting-edge Wisdom Tools ensuring an enriched and digitalized workforce.

Enterprise Wisdom Management Framework

Enterprise Wisdom Management Framework is a guidance offered for end-to-end strategizing and implementation of Knowledge ecosystem in the enterprise covering Governance and Adoption aspects as well. Approach based on quantification of knowledge parameters helps in controlling the ecosystem better. Perspectives of nurturing enterprise wisdom across knowledge life cycle stages are focused as part of this framework.

Overview Deck

Tacit Codifier

This micro-solution addresses the challenge of Enterprise Wisdom Leakage - information that is not tracked, codified or documented during unstructured interactions e.g. discussions in a Lobby or over a coffee or over an enterprise IM voice call. It is a codification tool to convert such Tacit inputs into Explicit content improving productivity and reducing dependency.

Overview Deck
Demo Recording

Wisdom Model Creator

It is an engine that enables creation of a wisdom model for the enterprise based on user inputs and artefacts added to the tool. NLP and phrase extraction algorithms are used to scan through the artefacts and understand the type of entities/topics. This is used to create the model and guide the user through two activities which are - Create the knowledge base (leverage / create similar to Watson Knowledge studio) and Create additional models for the wisdom layer – provide inputs to user across the organization to enable agile decision making. The tool also includes design elements to feed-in multi-dimensional (time / cost / effort) analytics data from internal and external world for better effectiveness.

Wise POS Assistant for Retailers

A solution that helps the customer-facing staff of an organization to identify customer's personal choices through behavioural analysis of past transactions (online / offline) and identifies personalized and customized offers and campaigns for them. It also helps in converting prospects to potential custmers.