- Creating Fine Digital Experiences for the Employees

It is a digital platform for the workforce of an Enterprise, enabling ecological transformation through smart delivery of Experience and Synergy.

Smart Information Systems

Smart Information System enables smarter information management in the enterprise by offering capabilities to manage and deliver media based information effectively. This is envisaged to be the key for tomorrow's enterprises. It focuses on solutions to make information available onto devices and making it available anytime anywhere (Collaboration on-the-Go solution), effective management of audio-visual content (Smart Media) and managing the content lifecycle in a well-goverened approach (Content Disposition Framework).

Smart Media Management

It offers a micros-solution to make collaboration and connections easier while on the move. Limitations with respect to capturing textual information are addressed by enabling audio and video recording of content and conversation and at the same ensuring findability by incorporating audio-visual search. In addition it provides on-the-fly translation capabilities (in line with localization needs) and auto-tagging of disparate content-types.

Overview Deck
Demo Recording

Collaboration on-the-Go

While workforce is on the move it is an expectation from employees to access the enterprise information and content from anywhere anytime i.e. access from mobile devices. As long as somebody is connected to internet, one can still access the browser based enterprise portals which often does not deliver the right experience to users. Hence Collaboration on-the-Go is a platform which delivers enterprise collaboration platform and its features with mobile experience despite being accessible from browser. Experience of drag, flip, tap and hold, slide etc. would enrich user experience along with features like direct calling from organization chart, flipboard experience for docuemnt and news reading, on the fly HTMP conversion of documents to avoid platform specific distortions, high degree of personalization, revolving tag cloud with drill down facility etc. So this is a platform and device agnostic footprint less framework to offer ultimate enterprise portal experience on devices.

Overview Deck
Demo Recording - Overall
Demo Recording - Enterprise Content Sharing
Demo Recording - Social Interactions
Demo Recording - Smart Information Exchange
Demo Recording - Interactive Insights
Demo Recording - Business Processes
Demo Recording - Personalization

Content Disposition Framework

A step-by-step guidance for disposing unproductive or irrelevant content from Enterprise Content Management Systems.

Overview Deck