- Creating Fine Digital Experiences for the Employees

It is a digital platform for the workforce of an Enterprise, enabling ecological transformation through smart delivery of Experience and Synergy.


Any modern solution cannot be imagined without a Find-Ability feature in it. So far we used to understand Search as the Find-ability solution, but with the next generation Digital Transformation concepts, the idea of Find-ability also has got changed a lot. Along with traditional search features, features like cognitive search, hybrid search, gesture or scribble driven search, sentiment guided search, media content search etc. have surfaced. And with further swing to cognitive power, even in enterprise world, the utilities like Computer Vision and Object Recognition also have got their chance in the domain of Find-ability. Enterprise Search is now more improved and with flexibility of using hybrid niche platforms focusing specific search areas, we call it Enterprise Search +. And of course one cannot ignore the need of summarizing large contents in a moment while everybody's time is precious in today's world. As a whole EmpFinesse™ Fundamentals has it Find-Ability component covering all such features and functions making it the best possible versatile Find-Ability solution on air.

Intelligent Document Summarizer [DocuMelt]

Create Intelligence around unstructured content by summarizing key terms, tag cloud and providing a synopsis based on NLP, contextual scoring and machine learning capabilities.

Overview Deck
Demo Recording

Object Recogniger [ObjecTell]

EmpFinesse™ Fundamentals has its Find-ability offerings which covers search around Objects too. ObjecTell is the solution helping towards that. As part of Fundamentals, this utility can be leveraged in other downstream part of EmpFinesse™ as well to provide elegance in those areas.

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Demo Recording

Computer and Custom Vision

Finding similar image is an ask often in enterprise. Identifying the elements in an image and search images having same or similar elements from repository without prior or persistent tagging employs cognitive computing to deliver the experience. With more and more usage of media files, such kind of dynamic tagging and system driven image scanning is essential.

Demo Recording

Media [Audio - Video] Content Search

Since years enterprises are familiar with Keyword Search, Full Text Search, Advanced Search, Federated Search etc. But now it is time to go beyond those. With increase in usage of media content, need for content search on media files are cropping up. Contextual search on Images with help from Cognitive computing is prevailing. With more workforce travelling, demand of search based on scribble or voice based commands are also being asked. Keyword based relevance is no more satisfying users, people are looking for utilizing user feedback based sentiment driven relevance scoring. With device centric ecosystem being used everywhere, consolidated view of recent interactions with people and artifacts are also on demand. Users are demanding search collaborating on premise and cloud based sources together. All such items are being tagged as Next Generation Search.

When workforce is on the move, it is very difficult for them to connect with enterprise systems and individuals in textual mode by posting comments or contributing written articles. It is more comfortable to record an audio or video clip on one's device and dump it on enterprise portal. But later it becomes difficult to dig out that clip for reuse and reference purposes. Hence a content search is essential to index and search the audio-visual files based on content. This is the exact thing which Media Search micro solution offers. On top of the above feature it also offers the on the fly translation capability to address the need of Localization of media content without any pre-defined process along with auto-tagging etc.

Overview Deck
Demo Recording

Scribble and Voice driven Sentiment guided Search

Since years enterprises are familiar with Keyword Search, Full Text Search, Advanced Search, Federated Search etc. But now it is time to go beyond those. With increase in usage of media content, need for content search on media files are cropping up. Contextual search on Images with help from Cognitive computing is prevailing. With more workforce travelling, demand of search based on scribble or voice based commands are also being asked. Keyword based relevance is no more satisfying users, people are looking for utilizing user feedback based sentiment driven relevance scoring. With device centric ecosystem being used everywhere, consolidated view of recent interactions with people and artifacts are also on demand. Users are demanding search collaborating on premise and cloud based sources together. All such items are being tagged as Next Generation Search.

Enterprises have seen several types of search like Keyword or Metadata based, Full Text or Content based, Advanced, Federated etc. But all those are based on textual inputs which is often very difficult to provide when somebody is travelling or so. Hence if the inputs could be given a in other format like scribble or voice, that would be helpful for users. Similarly, when we talk about relevant search with respect to another content reference, generally one relies on keyword matching but never considers users' feedback on contents to decide the relevancy which could be more meaningful in this day of social dependency. Next Gen Find-ability brings all these capabilities under a single mico solution.

Overview Deck
Demo Recording

Hybrid Search across On-premise and Cloud

Since years enterprises are familiar with Keyword Search, Full Text Search, Advanced Search, Federated Search etc. But now it is time to go beyond those. With increase in usage of media content, need for content search on media files are cropping up. Contextual search on Images with help from Cognitive computing is prevailing. With more workforce travelling, demand of search based on scribble or voice based commands are also being asked. Keyword based relevance is no more satisfying users, people are looking for utilizing user feedback based sentiment driven relevance scoring. With device centric ecosystem being used everywhere, consolidated view of recent interactions with people and artifacts are also on demand. Users are demanding search collaborating on premise and cloud based sources together. All such items are being tagged as Next Generation Search.

Hybrid search lets users search for files and documents across on-premise SharePoint Server and Office 365 at the same time. Depending on set up of hybrid search, applications can have only on-premises users search for content stored in Office 365, only online users search for content stored in SharePoint Server, or both user groups search for content stored in the other environment. A unified index for on-premise and cloud content featuring 'one search to rule them all' philosophy, Support for Office Graph / Delve experiences on premises and Support for Search as a Service reducing the search crawl footprint - are the key differentiating offerings of Hybrid Search.

Technical Guidance
Phased Approach
Guided Planning
Execution with SharePoint 2016
Execution with SharePoint 2013

Search Powered by Cognitive Computing Power

Since years enterprises are familiar with Keyword Search, Full Text Search, Advanced Search, Federated Search etc. But now it is time to go beyond those. With increase in usage of media content, need for content search on media files are cropping up. Contextual search on Images with help from Cognitive computing is prevailing. With more workforce travelling, demand of search based on scribble or voice based commands are also being asked. Keyword based relevance is no more satisfying users, people are looking for utilizing user feedback based sentiment driven relevance scoring. With device centric ecosystem being used everywhere, consolidated view of recent interactions with people and artifacts are also on demand. Users are demanding search collaborating on premise and cloud based sources together. All such items are being tagged as Next Generation Search.

Cognitive search provides comprehensive insights though contextual and relevant information delivery leveraging cognitive computing capability. Artificial intelligence powered search capability makes users' life easy through intuitive and proactive find-ability too.

Industry Trend

Search Product Fitment Engine

Enterprise Search is a decade long concept which is popular enough itself based on enterprise need of content search. And products like FAST, Autonomy, Solr are the stallwarts in this space. However of late, with new need of light-weight search in enterprise to achieve fast and easy search experience, a set of new products have arrived which are equally or sometimes more capable of delivering desired search experience to users. This set includes search product like Elastic, Covio, Sinequa etc.

Out of several new age Enterprise Search products, choosing the right one for enterprise need is always a challenge. A scoring framework determining the right fit product against specific requirements for an enterprise search would be of immense help for any organization.

Demo Recording
Product Fitment Template

Search Implementation using latest Search Products

Enterprise Search is a decade long concept which is popular enough itself based on enterprise need of content search. And products like FAST, Autonomy, Solr are the stallwarts in this space. However of late, with new need of light-weight search in enterprise to achieve fast and easy search experience, a set of new products have arrived which are equally or sometimes more capable of delivering desired search experience to users. This set includes search product like Elastic, Covio, Sinequa etc.

Implementing enterprise search in an elegant way is critical for successful adoption of an enterprise content management and collaboration system. Search efficiency contributes significatly in boosting enterprise productivity. Using cutting edge Search Products like Elastic, Attivio, Sinequa etc. is important to achieve this goal. A streamlined approach for such implementation is critical.

Industry Trends
Implementation Approach
Introduction to Elastic Search