- Creating Fine Digital Experiences for the Employees

It is a digital platform for the workforce of an Enterprise, enabling ecological transformation through smart delivery of Experience and Synergy.


Factory follows a predefined process or business flow to produce identical products leveraging available Templates with minimal effort involved for repitition. In EmpFinesse™ also, Factory designates a store of disparate types of Object Templates and arrangement of pre-filling those template around popular use cases e.g. templatizing Brain, Persona, Context, Recipe or BOTs. Factory multifolds the reusability of design and reduces the cost of production drastically along with considerable timeline reduction too.

Brain Factory

Brain Factory lists various kind of brains rendering several popular use cases. Common IT FAQ or typical healthcare questionnaire can be templatized as a Query Brain. Regular employee personal information management like Managing Address(es), Managing Claims, Processing Admin requests can be templatized as Action Brains. Similar way such popular or common functions can be templatized under Search Brain or Push Brain as well e.g. Library search, KM search, Proactive Notifications etc. Overall these brain templates are configurable and customizable, pluggable to EmpFinesse™ core platform to render on any BOT anytime. Preloading of data is possible to these brains and these brains can be attached to core engine by power users themselves.

Persona Factory

In today's consumerized ecosystem of enterprise, everybody expects information or contents to be delivered in personalized way. And this personalization does not mean only the 'Profile'. It also demands inclusion of interest, likings, skills, recent behavior, trending related topics, usage characteristics etc. And when all these elements are mingled together to deduce a personalized entity for individual or group, that is defined as Persona. In enterprise space, persona building can start from ERP or CRM or Profile DB and can be extended to enterprise Social, KM Base, enterprise IM etc. In some open cultured organizations, this may be even extended to public social or global browsing or e-Commerce behavior. With this broad background, always there are roles whose persona are of similar nature even if the organization background changes. For such popular yet near-to-static cases, EmpFinesse™ offers a pre-casted Persona following the so-called static proforma and comes up with that for usage in several downstream apps. And that bundle of Persona is referred as Persona Factory in EmpFinesse™ Fundamentals.

Recipe Factory

Recipe Factory is nothing but collection of Popular Enterprise Recipes. The beauty of this factory is the recipes are maintained just a recipe definition and hence very easily can be utilized by any orchestration platform like Microsoft Logic App or Open Source Workato or IBM OpenWhisk etc. Such definitions are nothing but the collection of cartridges i.e. actions, connections and sequences. This factory will hold popular recipes like manage address, password maintenance, IT asset request, claim management, sales data management etc. in a configurable fashion so that can be plugged in any organization's process ecosystem.

Recipes off-the-Shelf available in this factory so far are -

  1. Adoption of Survey is always a challenge in enteprise. Lack of participation often forfeits the purpose of the survey. This can be improved in a Gamification way where participation as well as being part of community with majority opinion can earn reward points for individuals which in turn can let user win position in enterprise leaderboard. This can create the motivation to participate in enteprise survey meaningfully which in turn would help the organization to make their survey launching program successful.
  2. Automation is the key for this solution where approval process driven site provisioning on Cloud based on a request initiated on Online Data Forms is implemented. This enabled the overall site provisioning process seamless.
  3. Solution is targeting to enteprises exhaustively using Cloud for their regular Office activities. Rule based seamless integration between Cloud Email and Cloud Document Repository can save time to physical selective upload of documents from email to repository. Similarly a meeting invitation sync from work email to personal email often helps to get auto-notified about an activity even when one is off from work. A request form for some enterprise activity can be automated based on rule based approval. Such use cases makes enterprise ambience more integrated and delivering better productivity.

Recipe Factory using Workato
Demo of Improved Adoption of Survey
Demo of Automated Site Provisioning
Demo of Direct Networking with Office Cloud

Context driven Content Delivery

In today's consumerized world, workforce likes to access enterprise content and information also in personalized way. Finding own requisite information through search or similar channels is a story of yester-years. People expects personalized proactive content delivery today. And that personalization of content has to happen based on one's profile, interests, recent behavior etc., i.e. based on a dynamic persona collected from various sources like corporate LDAP or ERP, enterprise social platform and even public social platform followed by assimilation of those info and projecting content trend for that individual based on some machine learning capabilities.

Overview Deck
Demo Recording

Utility Conversational BOT > Service Desk [L1] Automation

With enlarged workforce and increased Ticket load, Help Desk executives are often overwhelmed with kind of work pressure they face. On the other hand the users are also frustrated having a long waiting time on phone and a eventually receiving a delayed support even for a simple problem. To make this situation turned into a win-win, Conversational BOTs are the best alternative to choose. Those can just resemble the human executives offering same warmth in conversation, be it textual or verbal, in a faster and more elegant way. The elegancy comes when it offers the solution then and there by digging the successful resolutions from history, rather than sending the issue for resolution to SME queue. Elegancy also comes when additional and proactive information is delivered increasing user delight and saving time for users, in turn contributing to enterprise productivity. And in this overall value addition to users, help desk load also gets reduced ensuring overall better service.

As L1 service desk collects mostly routine information without much analysis of the problem, even machine with limited intelligence can execute the same tasks without human intervention. AI and Automation perspectives through BOT based approach is a good fit for this. Ticketing BOT or TickBOT would work through Chat base mode over various channels like web portal, corporate messaging tools like skype, SMS based conversation, Facebook messenger etc. TickBOT will communicate in simple colloquial language but using natural language processing will process those in a structure fashion in conversation with the user and will dig through past incident data and its documented resolutions to ensure that already available resolutions are utilized to offer solutions to users upfront at L1 level itself rather than moving to L2 SMEs. In case, the problem is not resolved by BOT in L1 level, it TickBOT will raise a L2 ticket proactively on behalf of user.

Overview Deck
Demo Recording
Use Cases
Flow Diagrams
Demo of Bi-directional Speech
Demo of Multi-lingual Support
Demo of Audit Trail
Demo of Custom Branding
Demo of Single Sign On

Utility Conversational BOT > Personal Travel Assistant

With enlarged workforce and increased Ticket load, Help Desk executives are often overwhelmed with kind of work pressure they face. On the other hand the users are also frustrated having a long waiting time on phone and a eventually receiving a delayed support even for a simple problem. To make this situation turned into a win-win, Conversational BOTs are the best alternative to choose. Those can just resemble the human executives offering same warmth in conversation, be it textual or verbal, in a faster and more elegant way. The elegancy comes when it offers the solution then and there by digging the successful resolutions from history, rather than sending the issue for resolution to SME queue. Elegancy also comes when additional and proactive information is delivered increasing user delight and saving time for users, in turn contributing to enterprise productivity. And in this overall value addition to users, help desk load also gets reduced ensuring overall better service.

Personal Assistant BOT guides and helps employees to carry out enterprise Travel Requests seemlessly without any human assistance. External dependency feeds are integrated for enterprise travel decision making based on weather and events. Automated travel request processing has been introduced reducing the need of having a dedicated team for Travel Management system.

Overview Deck
Demo Recording
Use Cases