- Creating Fine Digital Experiences for the Employees

It is a digital platform for the workforce of an Enterprise, enabling ecological transformation through smart delivery of Experience and Synergy.

Enterprise Networking

Multi dimensional networking is enabled with a set of tools, services and solutions as part of this offering. This includes a native mobile app for networking of employees with peers and artifacts, a service targeting unique collaboration experience even on-the-Go, a single-entry console to avail all kinds of common enterprise collaboration means, a ready-made platform to deploy the enterprise collaboration across enterprise in minutes or a utility to quantitaively measure people and process influence on the enterprise.

Workforce Networking

Collaboration and Community based ecosystem are essential in today's enterprises to enable improved productivity of workforce. Easy, fast and proactive information delivery about various transactions done by an individual with other individuals and artifacts are utmost important for quick reach to individuals / artifacts when those are on demand. A group level view is equally important for a manager to know the load of his / her team and plan the future actions accordingly. Overall, to boost a productive ambience in enteprise, workplace networking is essential in the days to come.

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Enterprise Flipboard

Enterprise Flipboard is a browser based device and platform agnostic solution to offer the on-the-go users an app-like experience. High degree of personalization is its uniqueness. Hugely popular Flipboard experience has been implemented in a responsive design even catering to open Microsoft Office artifacts dynamically as HTML content, hence no dependency on browser type, platform etc.

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Enterprise Influence Management

Social Media, be it public or enterprise, reflects the individual and group actions and its impacts on audience or the communities. Enterprises would love if there exists a way to measure this impact so that it can strategize and channelgize its communications in the most impactful way to reach the goal most effectively and quickly. Enterprise Influence Meter is such a tool which measure both individual and topic wise influence on and beyond community making itself one of the most sought out utility of future years of enterprise.

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Virtual Collaboration Hub

On the move sitution is very much disturbing for accessing multiple collaboration software from employee devices. When an employee wants to have a meeting from an outside place like, say, an airport with whiteboarding, annotation, stickynotes faclity definitely with screen-sharing and instant messaging features, it would very difficult to run 5 different software from iPad / tablet to get that done. Instead a single window of all these collaboration tools would make one's life easy. Virtual collaboration hub does exactly the same thing with a completely browser based fashion on cloud enabling access anywhere anytime.

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Enterprise Collaboration Portal

Enterprise Collaboration Portal (ECP) is a ready-made portal platform for any enterprise to start the Collaboration Journey of the same. It covers various enterprise collaboration aspects including Global Communication (Organization to Workforce communication), Professional Networking (Employee to Employee Collaboration) and System Connect (Workforce to System Interactions).

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